Simplicity By Design, 6th Generation (SBD6)
Simplicity By Design provides choices from all of our product categories, but we have simplified the collections of products and options. This makes it ideal for someone who is new to the business or who needs to streamline the sales process.
This Carole Fabrics sampling program includes nearly 400 of our top‑selling patterns and colors, which are updated every 3-4 years. The assortment includes solid and textured fabrics, patterned prints and embroideries, decorative sheers, and linings. Complete your room design with access to our comprehensive trimmings and hardware collections.
The fabric samples are contained in a set of two sturdy binders, which fit neatly inside a branded carrying bag. The all‑in‑one sampling vehicle even has pockets for collateral, hardware samples and other home visit essentials — simplifying your on‑the‑go selling process.

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To learn more, contact your local Carole Fabrics District Sales Manager or contact us directly.
Compare the Programs
Carole Fabrics offers two fabric sampling programs to help you create a forumla for success. Compare the programs.